Tuesday, 31 July 2012

health and safety etc

1. To become a world class Institute of Technology Unitec must what? *You must demonstrate and champion the very best health and safety practice.

2. Unitec Institute of Technology and its students have statutory obligations under what Act? *Under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and all its amendments.

3. What do we need to do to take all practical steps and ensure that what? *Provide a safe working environment *Provide procedures for dealing with emergencies *Provide Facilities for staff that include toilets and rest rooms, also First Aid facilities And Ensure That: *Employees are not exposed to unnecessary hazards. *Plant is safe and staff trained to use it. *Employees receive appropriate training in all matters. *Systematic process to reduce the likelihood of of harm occurring.

4. What are the students duties? *Taking responsibility for your own safety and health at work. *Ensuring that your action or inaction does not harm others *Wearing all PPE that is provided when required for specific tasks. *Reporting all injuries or near hits to your supervisor as soon as possible after the event. Please use the Incident form provided.

5. Name four student safety responsibilities? *All students are responsible for wearing steel capped safety boots. *All students are responsible to wear PPE that is provided for any hazardous work. *All students are to report any imminent dangers to their manager. *All students are responsible for helping in emergency.

6. What number would you use from a Unitec phone to contact emergency services? 1-111

7. What behavior may result in disciplinary action? *Practical jokes may get laughs, but it can end up by giving someone a lifetime of sorrow. That someone could be you.So dont do it. %Such behavior may result in disciplinary procedures.

8. What can you do to know the dangers and how to avoid them? The Alarm activation is a signal to immediately evacuate the building.

9. What actions would you take when manual handling? *Plan the lift and the route to be taken. *Test the size and weight of the load. *Stand close to the item/object or load with feet apart. *Lean forward. *Use your leg muscles to lift, not your back.

10. What steps can be taken to prevent Occupational Overuse Syndrome? *A variety of tasks (using the same muscles but in a range of movement) *Job rotation (not just repeating the same task for full work day) *Micro pauses(a quick stretch of the limbs and back every few minutes)

11. Why is Good Housekeeping a vital factor in preventing injuries? *Good housekeeping is a vital factor in preventing injuries. A clean well ordered, attractive work environment encourages tidy work habits.

12. What is strictly forbidden on the premises. Illicit drugs are strictly forbidden on the premises, alcohol consumption is at the managers discretion.

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